Cover Page
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MLA Works Cited
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Click on Easy Bib, below for more information:
Beginning your Writing Process
begining_writing.pdf |
About Plagiarism
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Research 101
howtoresearch_animals.docx |
Write the topic you are going to research here:
Go to and/or Type in the topic you need to research into the search bar. Record how many results there are for your topic:
example: Ecosystems
Yahoo! Results: _______________ Google Results: _______________
Press the back button. Now, type the topic again into the search bar and put quotation marks around the topic. Record how many results there are for your topic:
example: “Ecosystems”
Yahoo! Results: _______________ Google Results: _______________
Press the back button. Now, type the topic again into the search bar. put quotation marks around the topic, and add the words “for kids” to the topic . Record how many results there are for your topic:
example: “Ecosystems for Kids”
Yahoo! Results: _______________ Google Results: _______________
Press the back button. Now, type the topic again into the search bar. put quotation marks around the topic, add the words “for kids” to the topic, and add one of the following: .com, .net, .gov, or .org. You must type the word Site followed by a colon and then the .whatever. Record how many results there are for your topic:
Ie. “Ecosystems for kids”
Yahoo! Results: _______________ Google Results: _______________
What did you notice about the search results as you added Quotation marks, for kids, and then
Create Key Words:
When researching an essential question or topic, determine what the most important words are in the question or topic. Here is an example:
How did Europeans explore and establish settlements in the Americas?
We can begin by using the nouns: Europeans, Americas
Then ask what did those Europeans do in the Americas? Explore and establish settlements
So, using the quotation marks, you can now search key words and phrases: “Europeans” “Explore and establish settlements” “Americas”
Write your research topic here:
Write the key words or phrases here:
Tip #1:
Add quotation marks around the words or phrases you want to search.
Tip #2:
Adding the words “for kids” allows the search engine to locate websites that are geared toward kids and not websites that are meant for individuals who are writing a collegiate level research paper.
Tip #3:
When on a particular website, press the “Ctl button + F”. This will bring up a small search window that will allow you to look for specific words or phrases on that particular website.
Tip #4
Type Site: followed by .org, .com, .edu, .gov, etc. to search only a particular type of site.
Tip #5
After you have typed the topic you are going to search, type NOT, or This will eliminate websites associated with those web hosts.
Websites to Use and Not to Use
Search Engines to Use:
Kiddle results are either handpicked and checked by their editors or filtered by Google safe search, you know you get kid-oriented results without any explicit content. In case some bad words are present in a search query, their guard robot will block the search. (This tends to yield better results, but not always)
*You can try using different search engines to yield different results.
**To get the best results from Google, go to the advanced search option by going to the link below:
*The advanced search through Google will allow you to search for exact phrases, eliminate words, location of the website (United States, China, Europe, etc.), as well as the language of the website.
This is a great source of factual information.
*These websites allow anyone in the world (knowledgeable or not) to contribute to the content of the website.
When citing where you got information from online:
DO NOT write: (This is a search engine, not a source of information) is a search engine, not a source of information) (This is where you went to find an article. The article has a different web address)
Information Organizer
1st Website
Question I Am Researching:
Key Words I used to look up my information:
Web Address I used to find the information:
Time I Looked Up Information:
Date I Looked Up Information:
Title of the Website:
Author of the information:
Answers to my question:
Information Organizer
2nd Website
Question I Am Researching:
Key Words I used to look up my information:
Web Address I used to find the information:
Time I Looked Up Information:
Date I Looked Up Information:
Title of the Website:
Author of the information:
Answers to my question:
Information Organizer
3rd Website
Question I Am Researching:
Key Words I used to look up my information:
Web Address I used to find the information:
Time I Looked Up Information:
Date I Looked Up Information:
Title of the Website:
Author of the information:
Answers to my question:
Go to and/or Type in the topic you need to research into the search bar. Record how many results there are for your topic:
example: Ecosystems
Yahoo! Results: _______________ Google Results: _______________
Press the back button. Now, type the topic again into the search bar and put quotation marks around the topic. Record how many results there are for your topic:
example: “Ecosystems”
Yahoo! Results: _______________ Google Results: _______________
Press the back button. Now, type the topic again into the search bar. put quotation marks around the topic, and add the words “for kids” to the topic . Record how many results there are for your topic:
example: “Ecosystems for Kids”
Yahoo! Results: _______________ Google Results: _______________
Press the back button. Now, type the topic again into the search bar. put quotation marks around the topic, add the words “for kids” to the topic, and add one of the following: .com, .net, .gov, or .org. You must type the word Site followed by a colon and then the .whatever. Record how many results there are for your topic:
Ie. “Ecosystems for kids”
Yahoo! Results: _______________ Google Results: _______________
What did you notice about the search results as you added Quotation marks, for kids, and then
Create Key Words:
When researching an essential question or topic, determine what the most important words are in the question or topic. Here is an example:
How did Europeans explore and establish settlements in the Americas?
We can begin by using the nouns: Europeans, Americas
Then ask what did those Europeans do in the Americas? Explore and establish settlements
So, using the quotation marks, you can now search key words and phrases: “Europeans” “Explore and establish settlements” “Americas”
Write your research topic here:
Write the key words or phrases here:
Tip #1:
Add quotation marks around the words or phrases you want to search.
- This causes the internet to look for a specific word or phrase. Otherwise, the search results contain websites that contain each individual word within the search.
- If you search European Explorers explore America, the internet search looks for any website that contains the title or words with America, American, Europe, European, Explore, Explorers, American Explorers, Explore America, European Explorers, Explore Europe, American Europeans, European Americans, and so much more. By adding quotation marks around the phrase, “European Explorers explore America”, the search engine only selects websites that contain the entire phrase “European Explorers explore America”.
Tip #2:
Adding the words “for kids” allows the search engine to locate websites that are geared toward kids and not websites that are meant for individuals who are writing a collegiate level research paper.
Tip #3:
When on a particular website, press the “Ctl button + F”. This will bring up a small search window that will allow you to look for specific words or phrases on that particular website.
Tip #4
Type Site: followed by .org, .com, .edu, .gov, etc. to search only a particular type of site.
Tip #5
After you have typed the topic you are going to search, type NOT, or This will eliminate websites associated with those web hosts.
Websites to Use and Not to Use
Search Engines to Use:
Kiddle results are either handpicked and checked by their editors or filtered by Google safe search, you know you get kid-oriented results without any explicit content. In case some bad words are present in a search query, their guard robot will block the search. (This tends to yield better results, but not always)
*You can try using different search engines to yield different results.
**To get the best results from Google, go to the advanced search option by going to the link below:
*The advanced search through Google will allow you to search for exact phrases, eliminate words, location of the website (United States, China, Europe, etc.), as well as the language of the website.
This is a great source of factual information.
*These websites allow anyone in the world (knowledgeable or not) to contribute to the content of the website.
When citing where you got information from online:
DO NOT write: (This is a search engine, not a source of information) is a search engine, not a source of information) (This is where you went to find an article. The article has a different web address)
Information Organizer
1st Website
Question I Am Researching:
Key Words I used to look up my information:
Web Address I used to find the information:
Time I Looked Up Information:
Date I Looked Up Information:
Title of the Website:
Author of the information:
Answers to my question:
Information Organizer
2nd Website
Question I Am Researching:
Key Words I used to look up my information:
Web Address I used to find the information:
Time I Looked Up Information:
Date I Looked Up Information:
Title of the Website:
Author of the information:
Answers to my question:
Information Organizer
3rd Website
Question I Am Researching:
Key Words I used to look up my information:
Web Address I used to find the information:
Time I Looked Up Information:
Date I Looked Up Information:
Title of the Website:
Author of the information:
Answers to my question:
Good Online Resources:
Ask Mrs. Morlan to set up your class!
Ask Mrs. Morlan to set up your class!
Find out more about animals here....
Find out more about animals here....
Organizing the research
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